
Thursday, October 27, 2022

October Fun

                         Welcome to Kindergarten

Mrs. Nord and Mrs. Ryan's Class

October has been full of excitement! Lots of learning in the classroom and fun throughout the school. We love SKS!

Stir, stir, one, two.
What is in the Witch's Brew?
We enjoyed adding interesting items to our witch's brew and love the song!  

October Birthdays๐ŸŽ‚!!
Happy Birthday Elizabeth!!

Happy Birthday Charlie!!

One of our favorite stories in October was Room On The Broom
We loved recreating the story and deciding who or what we had room for on our broom. 

    In ELA: We have learned the following sight words: I, like, the, and, see, a, we, to, me, can, come, play. Please practice the sight words located on the word ring. We also learned that nouns name people, places, things, and animals. We know that verbs name an action and adjectives are used to describe a noun! We are also practicing our comprehension skills and comparing and contrasting. We read several stories including Mice Squeak, We Speak, Move!, and What Do Wheels Do All Day? We are halfway through Unit 2 in our reading series. We met three more Letter People: Ms. T has tall teeth, Mr. C has a colossal cap and Ms. P has pointy patches! We are also moving along with our Wilson FUNdations. We love Echo the owl and baby echo!

  Maeve with Echo the Owl

    In Math: We completed Chapter 2 on patterns 2D shapes and 3D shapes.  We rocked our second Math Assessment. We are started Chapter 3- positional words such as- over, under, above, below, on, top, middle, bottom, inside and outside.

    In Religion: We continue to practice the Sign of the Cross, Hail Mary and now the Our Father. We thank God for the gift of animals We are learning about the Church Year and Ordinary Time. We prayed the Rosary with the entire school.

        In Science we are studying the lifecyle of a pumkin and all things pumpkins, as well as the skeletal system.

Scientists in the making:

Will the pumpkin sink or float???

The scientists shared their observations:

Our 1st Star Student was Duke!!
Did you know that Duke's favorite thing to do is play on his playset or if he had one wish he would wish for craft club everyday?!? We love it Duke!!

Our 2nd Star Student was Madeline!

Did you know that Madeline's favorite thing to do is being with her cousins at the shore and if she had one wish she would wish to jump in the pool right now?!? Us too Maddie!!

Looking ๐Ÿ‘€ Ahead...

                *Friday, October 28th- Phillies Dress Down Day!!⚾⚾

                *Monday, October 31st- Happy Halloween!! Wear your gym uniform                 and bring your costume. Parade at 1:00๐ŸŽƒ

                *Tuesday, November 1st- No School- All Saints Day

                *Friday, November 4th- No School- 1st-8th Parent Teacher

                *Saturday, November 5th- Fall Social

                *Tuesday, November 8th- Kindergarten Progress Reports will go                     home. All are welcome to join us at mass at 9:00 prepared by the 
                 7th grade.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Welcome October

                             Welcome to Kindergarten

Mrs. Nord and Mrs. Ryan's Class

We can't believe we already finished the first month of school! The students are following our daily routines and adjusting to their new school. They are enjoying all of the learning that is taking place and love being with all of their new friends. Kindergarten rules!

We made an appearance in the Spirit!

Winner winner chicken dinner!

Congratulations to Tanner! His name was picked from the Golden Ticket drawing. 

Sight word check! We continue to practice our sight words daily. Don't forget to practice sight words with your child each day:)

    In ELA: We have learned the following sight words: I, like, the, and, see, a, we, to, me. Please practice the sight words located on the word ring. We also learned that nouns name people, places, things, and animals. We know that verbs name an action! We are also practicing our comprehension skills and comparing and contrasting. We read several stories including Please, Puppy, Please; Everybody Works, and My Five Senses. We finished Unit 1 and have moved on to Unit 2 in our reading series. We met three Letter People: Mr. M has a munching mouth, Ms. S has super socks and Ms. A who says a-choo! We are also beginning to introduce the Wilson FUNdations method with Mrs. McCracken.  

    In Math: We completed Chapter One on sorting and took our first Math Assessment. We used our "offices" so we could keep our work to ourselves and stay focused;) Now we are moving on to Chapter 2: Geometry and Patterns. First we learned about 3D shapes- sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, and rectangular prism. Next we are practicing the different types of patterns and looking for the pattern rule.

        In Religion: We are practicing how to make the Sign of the Cross and praying the Hail Mary. We also learned how God gave us the gift of light, water and land. God gave us these gifts because he loves us. We also attended our first school mass with our 6th grade buddies.

Taking our Math Assessments in our "offices" to help us stay focused.

Learning about the lifecycle of an apple

3rd times a charm! We made it to the pumpkin patch!

Looking ๐Ÿ‘€ Ahead...

                *Monday, October 10th- No School- Teacher In-Service

                *Tuesday, October 11th- Winter Uniforms begin

                *Thursday, October 13th- School Pictures- wear winter uniforms                         to school and bring gym uniform to change into after

                *Friday, October 14th- School Mass at 9:00. All are welcome!

                *Monday, October 17th- Dress Down Day

Back to School 2024-2025

  Welcome to Kindergarten Mrs. Nord and Mrs. Ryan's Class Our first week of school fun!  Mrs. Ryan and I put our "Ready Confetti&qu...